Recycled wooden windows = My Greenhouse!!
The foundation is level and square. I anchored it with re bar in place. |
and we began...
It took about a day and half to erect the walls..I still had laundry and meals to supply the troops...This though was rewarding work and time well spent with my lil' 3 (kiddos)
I originally envisioned doing a gabled roof. Wow, the cost of those roof panels are ridiculous...and this used a lot less...My motto, Over come and Adapt! Besides, I've always wanted to have exposed decorative rafters!! |
I pondered on this...???
Hum, How do I close up that roof grade? I used the trim from the roofing panels... |
I'm very pleased with the rustic appearance |
...beautiful view... |
It dawned on me that the land grade was gonna make it impossible to open the door ... That is when I get one...I want to make a "Dutch" door. |
I'm gonna use the excavated soil to back fill the greenhouse and level the inside floor. I have an abundance of wonderful stone on our property and I plan to make a stone floor and front patio... |
I want this to be the top half of my "Dutch" door... |
As you see I still need a few more windows and to construct the door...Patience is a virtue... But, I have other projects underway to keep us busy and learning...
Well, let's jump back a ways and share some additional photos...
Again, ignore the photo dates...I'm NOT good with electronics...This was the beginnings. As, my family sat on the porch looking puzzled...I began to see a pattern...
This is my kiddos "raised" bed we built earlier in the spring. It gave me the idea for the greenhouse foundation.

I got a door! $15!! It was actually sitting on the porch of a lovely farm house a few miles from us...I took a chance and stopped to inquire...After all the worst thing that could of happened was being asked to leave, escorted by a shot gun! |
I took the lock apart, cleaned it, added a little WD-40 and it works! I still need to go key shopping. Not that the greenhouse needs to be locked but, Anna my 10 year old does.
Building the door framing was simple enough. The trim part was fun. I used a scrap piece of plate rail to create a decorative header. Then purchased 2, 8 foot lengths of this little vine embossed trim to hide the seam from the rough framing.
I installed a closet catch to accommodate the antique locks dual dasher.
The kiddos & my hubby to the rescue! We have an abundance of wonderful stone on our property but gathering can be a chore. This where again my Papa's words come back to me. "Many hands make the work light." The floor and foundation are in and beautiful. I still have the lil' porch area to do...
Aww, I'll get there.
Two more window areas to do...A transom is going to be over the door and another fixed window to the left of it. I'm fairly convinced that I'll have to find/purchase glass and construct a frame for these areas.
Love the door. Stained and trimmed it looks like it's been the for all of it's 104 years of life!