Friday, October 26, 2012

A.D.O.P. Alert!! This was why I went to the window and door store...This is the sidewall of my sheds. I converted this part into a chicken coop years ago. I had put an old wooden framed window in to give some light to an otherwise dreary living space for my flock. 10 years is a long time. Especially when surrounded by 6 children. Yes, we have 6 amazing kiddos. BB guns, stray baseballs and most recently, college kids with paintball weapons! I just wanted to replace the broken panes so my younger ones and I could try staining glass with school glue and food coloring...Works great...I love the colors the kiddos came up with. Not so much on the brighter blue and orange one I did...Easy enough to change but again  my attention is being turned to the free windows I was blessed with.

1 comment:

  1. I love this- so simple, yet beautiful effect! I am inspired to do this to our barn windows on the north side. I wonder if my goats have. Favorite color,ummm?
